Thursday, February 12, 2009

Soneone Always Knows Just How You Feel, But Are They Certain?

I don't understand why everything you do is annoying me. I find you to be an obnoxious, egotistical, stubborn, close/small/simple minded fool, and an unforgiving, pride driven person. Why can't you just accept that maybe it was an accident. Maybe we're both hurting, and maybe I'm the only one that can fix it. You'd rather let her tell you who you can and cannot be friends with. Who does that!? Who monitors someone's social life? If you want to talk to someone, talk to them. If you want to yell and scream, then yell and scream at me, but don't keep it buried inside. I know you too well, and you know it. Why not go with what your gut is telling you. It's always better to release what is inside than to bury it away and regret what you never said. But, I know you won't... You're too good for that. ...Right...

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Way to go Jess! I hear ya there.